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Women's History Month at G.A.L. Talk

Throughout history, women have been making their mark, whether on the big screen or in music, in business or in their personal lives. This month is Women’s History Month, so what better time to reflect on your very own triumphs and those of others? There are plenty of amazing women out there making huge moves, such as Emma Watson, who fights relentlessly for equal pay. Shonda Rhimes, who has created some of my favorite strong female characters on shows like Grey’s Anatomy and How to Get Away With Murder. I also admire Anne Hathaway, whose humanitarian work is recognized for her support of nonprofit organizations, to further the education and development of women and girls around the world. During this month, we encourage you to reflect on those incredible women and the amazing things they have done, and to think about yourself and all of the wonderful things YOU have done. As women, we rarely take the time to celebrate our own accomplishments.

Here at G.A.L. Talk, which stands for Goals - Ambition - Life, we like to focus on you and the potential that you have. So, instead of just thinking back on women’s history, make your own women’s history by making bold moves. Take a moment to reflect: What is important to you? What makes you feel happy and strong? Those are the types of things you want to understand and do in order to embrace yourself. Everyone has huge dreams hidden in their head, and very few people have the courage to let others hear about those dreams, and even fewer people tend to make them happen. Forget about the fear of rejection and everything that comes with it and finally think about yourself and what fulfilling your dreams could do for you. You’ll never know, until you try, if the next big thing in your life could go down in women’s history.

We know making bold moves can be scary. Finding someone to talk to about all the things running through your head is one of the best ways to turn those thoughts into reality. That person can be a friend, a family member, or sometimes those people are a little too close to you and you need an unbiased opinion. In that case, someone like a professional life coach can be the perfect person to talk to.

Here are some of the best ways to make this month yours: YOUR accomplishments or YOUR women's history:

1. Make goals and stick to them

Making goals is something people do every single day, but sticking to them is another thing entirely. The best way to make goals and to stick to them is to make goals that are achievable. If you are too ambitious with your goals, then you are more likely to be discouraged. At the same time, the more goals you create and complete, the better chance you have at hitting your goals. Another key part of completing goals is to have rewards that match the goals. If you just create a bunch of goals with no rewards for yourself then you won’t have the motivation to complete those goals. The reward must also match the goal, hard goals have big rewards, while smaller goals have smaller rewards; you probably won’t reward learning a new recipe with a week-long cruise.

2. Take some time for yourself

Taking time for yourself is one of the most important things a person can do. Self care is so important, but something a lot of people forget about. Getting caught up in life is super easy and the first thing you may put off is taking care of yourself. But what does taking care of yourself mean? It can mean anything YOU want it to mean. It can be going to the spa, hanging out with someone you haven't seen in awhile, or just staying at home and reading a book. Not taking care of yourself can lead to great levels of stress and that stress won’t help you achieve your goals.

3. Listen to other amazing women

During these times, it is even easier to get in touch with people all over the world. This month is the perfect time to find talks given by women about all sorts of different topics. Supporting women is a huge step in supporting yourself; you never know what you will learn by listening to others. Even if the video or article isn’t new, it is still an opportunity that you should take. Great places to find these sorts of videos are TEDTalks and the new app, Clubhouse.

4. Do something you’ve always wanted to

Trying new things is a great way to get the brain waves moving and to inspire yourself and others. Maybe there is something out there that you have always wanted to try but never had the courage to do or were always told you couldn't do it. So...go out and do it! Don’t let others or yourself hold you back. If you want to learn how to surf, then do it. If you want to write that book that has been sitting in your brain for years, then just do it! Doing things you want to do isn’t going to hurt anyone, the only person getting hurt is you if you don’t do them. Doing the things that make you happy change your outlook on life and can be a real inspiration to everyone around you.

5. And start doing something you miss

Finally, do something that you stopped doing. No matter the reason, if you stopped doing something that made you happy, then try to start doing it again. Maybe you had a child and don’t have time to go on long bike rides anymore. Can you carve out time to start riding again? Or, can you share that passion with your kids and get them involved in something that makes you happy? Sharing happiness with others is a great way to live a healthy life. When you miss something that makes you happy, the other things that make you happy lose their importance. Never sacrifice your happiness.

Take advantage of this month made specifically to celebrate the accomplishments of women and find new ways to make yourself happy, so you can become the you, YOU have always wanted to be! Comment down below something you plan to do for yourself during Women’s History Month and the top comments will be featured on our Instagram story for everyone to see. You never know, you may even inspire someone else!

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